Who We Are
Our Church
Richford First Baptist Church is a community church that emphasizes worship, fellowship and the Word. We are affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA and the American Baptist Churhces of Vermont and New Hampshire. We also have a pastoral affiliation with Maranatha Ministerial Fellowship International.
Our church is governed in the traditional Baptist manner and we use a blended form of worship style in an effort to effectively reach people from all walks of life. One minute we may be singing a good ol' hymn, the next ... a contemporary worship song, and then who knows, maybe a southern gospel song. We interject drama as a way to make the Bible real but most importantly ... The Bible is Foundational to Everything We Do!
First Baptist is the oldest church in our community. We were established in 1802 as a church plant of a Canadian Baptist Church just over the border when Richford was a pioneer land with only a few settlers. The early church met in a log schoolhouse and the home of the first pastor.
Church Purpose Statement
We are a Christ centered, Bible centered Church focusing on salvation and personal spiritual growth as well as outreach to those God has called us to minister to on His behalf. Our purpose is to accomplish the Great Commission *(Matthew 28:18-20) and the Great Commandment *(Matthew 22:36-40) by following God’s leading.
Church Vision
Our church will be a place where people from all walks of life meet together to experience Jesus and make a life-long commitment to follow and serve Him. We will focus individually and as a church on where God is at work around us and where He wants us to join Him to see His purposes fulfilled through us.
Our church will meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of our members by Biblically based teaching and discipleship and a caring outreach ministry.
Our church will be an evangelizing church presenting the Gospel in a manner that can be easily understood and in a style that is openly received by the people God calls us to witness to.
Our church will be a mission church reaching out to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those in our area and throughout the world as God gives us the direction and the ability.
Our church will work to establish other churches in our area. We will work cooperatively with other Christian Churches to accomplish God’s purposes and promote Christian unity.